Italian writer Erri De Luca looks on during an interview with Reuters at his home in the countryside outside Rome March 1, 2015. When he lent his support to a fight against a high-speed train line through the mountains between France and Italy, De Luca never expected to face jail. But the 64-year-old Naples-born writer takes the witness stand on March 16, accused of inciting crime by saying in an interview that the controversial line should be sabotaged. Picture taken March 1, 2015. REUTERS/Tony Gentile (ITALY - Tags: CRIME LAW CIVIL UNREST POLITICS TRANSPORT SOCIETY)

Il voto al governo M5S-Lega? Uno. Non gli do zero perché almeno il governo dovrebbe partire”.

Giudizio netto sull’esecutivo nascente da parte di Erri De Luca, che oggi è stato ospite del programma di Rai Radio1 Un Giorno da Pecora, condotto da Geppi Cucciari e Giorgio Lauro.

Italian writer Erri De Luca looks on during an interview with Reuters at his home in the countryside outside Rome March 1, 2015. When he lent his support to a fight against a high-speed train line through the mountains between France and Italy, De Luca never expected to face jail. But the 64-year-old Naples-born writer takes the witness stand on March 16, accused of inciting crime by saying in an interview that the controversial line should be sabotaged. Picture taken March 1, 2015. REUTERS/Tony Gentile (ITALY – Tags: CRIME LAW CIVIL UNREST POLITICS TRANSPORT SOCIETY)

Di L.M.

Appassionato sin da giovanissimo di geopolitica, è attivo nei movimenti studenteschi degli anni novanta. Militante del Prc, ha ricoperto cariche amministrative nel comune di Casteldelci e nella C.M. Alta Valmarecchia. Nel 2011 crea il blog Ancora fischia il vento.

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